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A little bit of our history

A little bit of our history

The Lisbon School of Engineering (ISEL) is a project that dates back to 1852. It began with the creation of the Industrial Institute of Lisbon, which became the Higher Institute of Engineering of Lisbon in December 1974, and, in October 1988, was integrated into the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. A journey that started with just nine subjects now offers 12 bachelor courses (the latest of which are to be launched in the 2021/22 school year), 11 masters courses (one of which is also to debut in 2021/22), involving intense research, development and innovation, and an unbreakable connection with society and with the business and industrial sectors.




ISEL distinguishes itself by its commitment to ever-evolving quality education. Priority is given to the practical and experimental teaching component, which provides a more motivating learning experience and a training approach more in tune with the reality that lies beyond academia. Equally striking is ISEL's connection to the business world, apparent in numerous partnerships, both in the sphere of R&D projects and in the very development of our training offer. Ever true to its mission – studying, teaching, researching, and providing services in the Engineering field – ISEL distinguishes itself as a centre of creation, transmission and dissemination of science, technology, and culture, contributing to its quality and innovation. Aware of the world we live in, ISEL finds itself fully committed to set a new structural element: sustainability.