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About ISEL

About ISEL



There are four pilars in our project for the Lisbon School of Engineering (ISEL): education, research & development, sustainable development and community.

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With respect to education, ISEL aims at a continuum update of its degrees and at keeping up at designing new ones to meet the present and future needs of the world we live in – this year, we propose a new undergraduate degree in Applied Physical Engineering and several new postgraduate degrees. As part of the polytechnic universe, we are proud to fulfill our inclination towards courses that are born and developed in interaction with industry and business.

Also, ISEL is known for the close relationship between students and staff, which we believe is key to bring about the right environment to learn and progress. We value the well-being of our students beyond classes and, because of that, support structures for students are an important priority in our agenda.


In research & development, we find the natural environment to put our knowledge to test, to answer the challenges that our partners bring to us, to afford our students better future opportunities, and to have a say in the never-ending enterprise that human knowledge is. With a well-established activity in this area, we now aim at creating better conditions for its development.


All over the planet, sustainability has imposed itself as a major concern and, as an educational and investigate institution, ISEL could only but give the strongest and most determined steps in the direction of a more sustainable development. With several projects already taking place and many more to come, we aim at setting an example in this department.


But none of this would matter if people would be left out of the loop. At ISEL, we seek to give everyone a chance to accomplish their aspirations, be them students or staff members. We intend for ISEL to grow in order to assert itself as an innovative school not only at the academic and scientific level, but also in its relationship with the community. In fact, if on the one hand, the well-being of the community has a direct impact in the quality of their achievements, on the other we consider that the interaction with the community plays an instrumental part in the definition the school’s activities and priorities – where, by community, we understand students, teachers and administrative staff, as well as our alumni, the local community and our industry and business partners.
