Cofinanciado por:
AVISO N.º 02/SAICT/2016 (Projetos de IC&DT - Copromoção)
Identificação do Projeto
Código do Concurso: SAICT-45-2016-02
Designação da Operação: INDEEd - Regulação da qualidade do ar interior através da utilização de argamassas eco-eficientes
Código Universal: LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-023349
Entidade Beneficiária: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL)
Entidades Parceiras: Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal; Instituto Politécnico de Tomar; Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Aldeias de Pedra, Unipessoal Lda
Data de Decisão: 2017-07-07
Período de Execução previsto: 2018-03-19 a 019-09-17
Conclusão: 17 março 2020
Investimento Global: 149.939,65€
Financiamento: 127.317,46€
Entidade(s) Financiadora(s): FEDER (40%)/FCT (45%)
Área Científica Principal: Educação – Engenharia Civil
Investigador Responsável: Professora Doutora Maria Idália da Silva Gomes (ISEL – ADEC)
Principais objetivos, atividades e resultados esperados:
The main objective of this research is to analyze the behavior of eco-efficient mortars when subjected to environments (that intends to simulate representative classroom use) with various pollutants and assess how earth mortars contribute for the improvement of indoor air quality. The measurement of environmental parameters has been carried out in previous studies, namely physical parameters (temperature, relative humidity, ventilation) and chemical parameters (CO, CO2 and particles measuring). With this research approach, it is expected to significantly reduce the barriers that prevent the manufacturing industry dedicated to sustainability to achieve substantial success in Portugal and European Countries. The methodological approach considered in the INDEEd derives in five main work packages (WP):
• WP 1 (M1-M18): Project Management and Outreach - this WP is dedicated to technical, scientific management and consortium of the project, following up of overall work and deliverables as well as risk assessment and mitigation and quality assurance. • WP 2 (M1-M9): Generation of Specification and Requirements - Assessment process to define the optimum combination of materials for eco-efficient mortars that maximize indoor air quality.
• WP 3 (M7-M18): Multi-scale research work and data collection- IAQ evolution and evaluation at a lab scale and real prototype scale.
• WP 4 (M7-M18): Analysis - Processing of the Information - it includes overall analyses and evaluation of all indoor environmental quality related data monitoring.
• WP 5 (M1-M18): Dissemination of the Results - that includes the strategy for dissemination towards end-users and stakeholders engagement. INDEEd is a research-based initiative which includes several diffusion actions. The strategy is to disseminate information and project results to the stakeholders for the specific impact areas as well as target groups international wide in order to make them aware of the results achieved. This will guarantee the involvement of recognized competences worldwide leading to a new research field regarding how earth mortars contribute for the improvement of indoor air quality in public spaces. Este trabalho teve como resultado de I&D a publicação de 7 artigos científicos em revistas, 6 artigos em conferências internacionais, 2 artigos em conferências nacionais, 2 posters, 1 capítulo de um livro e 1 dissertação de Mestrado. O Projeto INDEEd teve como objetivo investigar, compreender e disseminar o conhecimento científico na área da regulação da qualidade do ar interior potencialmente promovido através da utilização de argamassas/revestimentos ecoeficientes, como é o caso das argamassas de terra, em comparação com as argamassas de cal, gesso e cimento - aferindo a capacidade para a captação de gases poluentes nos espaços interiores. Contou com a colaboração dos investigadores João Gomes (ADEQ/ISEL) e Eleonora Cintura, Ana Brás (Liverpool John Moores University – Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Cristiana Gonilho Pereira (IPS), Eduardo Ferraz (IPT), João Coroado (IPT), Luís Martins (Aldeias de Pedra), Paulina Faria (FCT/NOVA), Tânia Santos (FCT/NOVA) e Vítor Silva (FCT/NOVA).
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