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Study Plan


Distribution of ECTS by Scientific Areas

Scientific Area Initials Mandatory ECTS Optional ECTS
Civil Engineering EC 90 25
Management GES 5 0
Total   95 25
1st Year
1st Semester
Scientific area Total Hours ECTS
Advanced Structural Analysis EC 135.0 5.0
Inspection and Diagnosis of Building Anomalies EC 135.0 5.0
Retaining Walls and Special Foundations EC 135.0 5.0
Advanced Design and Smart Roads EC 135.0 5.0
Building and Construction Systems Technology EC 135.0 5.0
Monitoring and Analysis Methods in Civil Engineering EC 135.0 5.0
2st Semester
Scientific area Total Hours ECTS
Construction Operation and Maintenance of Road Infrastructures EC 135.0 5.0
Transportation and Mobility EC 135.0 5.0
Hydrology and water resources EC 135.0 5.0
Facilities Management and Building Operation EC 135.0 5.0
Civil Engineering Modelling with Finite Elements EC 135.0 5.0
Integrated Construction Management GES 135.0 5.0
2nd Year
1st Semester
Scientific area Total Hours ECTS
Introduction to the TFM seminar EC 135.0 5.0
Metallic and Mixed Constructions EC 135.0 5.0
Rehabilitation of Constructions EC 135.0 5.0
Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering EC 135.0 5.0
Option 2 EC 135.0 5.0
Option 2 EC 135.0 5.0
2st Semester
Scientific area Total Hours ECTS
Final Master's Work (Dissertation; Project; Internship) EC 810.0 30.0