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Base services

  • PO Box and correspondence handling.
  • Reception.
  • Advertisement of the company’s website at ISEL’s institutional website.
  • Access to the common meeting room.
  • “Legal Hours”: complementary service provided by SRS Advogados.
  • Access to activities of common interest (networking events, advanced training, etc.).
  • Technical guidance in the implementationand start-up phase of the company. Tutorial monitoring in the preparation of the company's business plan.
  • Intellectual property and legal advice (eg technology transfer agreements, patent registration, trademarks).
  • Provision of physical office space.
  • Logistics services: meeting rooms, mail, telephone, fax, Internet, reprographics.
  • Links and contacts with various national and international research centers, other sources of knowledge, funding sources, etc.
  • Privileged access to ISEL’s scientific ecosystem.
  • Access to a pool of consultants specialized in different areas (Management, Investments, Marketing, Tax, SHST, Strategy, Technologies, Quality, among others) under advantageous conditions.


Additional services

  • Accounting and tax planning services.
  • Support in the application process to incentive programs in R&D, innovation, employment, among others.
  • Access to regular training courses on technological and management-related topics.
  • Support for raising investment and obtaining financing.
  • Rental of rooms/auditoriums for training or other activities.



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