Intended learning outcomes
After this course the students should be able to:
- Develop a conceptual knowledge of the intricate relationship between mind and body, allowing the students to evaluate different forms of biofeedback usually used in diagnostics and rehabilitation.
- Know how to describe the operational principles of a number of actuators. Using previous knowledge of sensors the student must be able to understand the operational principles of systems involving sensors and actuators which are used to monitor and/or stimulate physiological processes including those associated with hearing, seeing, thinking and movement amongst others.
- Develop the knowledge of the basics of the signal processing required to interpret bioelectrical signals and the ability to develop MATLAB code to perform this analysis.
- Be able to develop simple systems with control functionalities for integration in active prosthetic devices.
- Have the ability to apply some engineering skills (mechanical and electrical) to analyze the performance of an active prosthetic device (eg. prosthetic limb, etc).
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