Intended learning outcomes
After completing this unit the student should be able to:
- Identify and quantify pollutants in the receiving means.
- Characterize the industrial and urban wastewaters in qualitative and quantitative terms and establish its treatment requirements based on the legal framework.
- Select the unit operations/processes/equipment for the removal of pollutants in the wastewater, interpret and conceive treatment sequences for urban and industrial wastewater treatment plants (WWTP).
- Design and monitor unit operations/processes of treatment for liquid phase of a WWTP.
- Conceive treatment sequences for the solid phase of a WWTP, perform solids mass balances and understand the options for by-products (grits, screenings and sludge) disposal.
- Design and monitor treatment options for the gaseous phase of a WWTP (odors and biogas).
Ficha de Unidade Curricular
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