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ISEL e IDMEC assinam protocolo para reforço da investigação em Engenharia Mecânica
31 Jan 2025
31 Jan 2025

The partnership protocol in scientific research and innovation activities in the area of mechanical engineering was formally signed between ISEL and the Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IDMEC).

With this protocol, ISEL and IDMEC commit to developing joint research activities in the area of Mechanical Engineering and related domains, including Aerospace Engineering, Transport Engineering, Energy and Environment, Mechatronics, Industrial Informatics, Industrial Management, Materials Engineering and Biomedical Engineering.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of both institutions. On behalf of ISEL, the representation was assumed by its President, Professor José Nascimento, with the participation of several members and collaborators of IDMEC with connection to ISEL, namely Professors Amélia Loja (DEM/ISEL), André Carvalho (DEM/ISEL), Inês Barbosa (DEM/ISEL), Ivo Bragança (DEM/ISEL), Joaquim Barbosa, João Milho (DEM/ISEL) and Ricardo Portal (DEM/ISEL). On behalf of IDMEC, the President at the time, Professor Nuno Silvestre, the Vice-President for Scientific Affairs, Professor Paulo Oliveira, and the Vice-President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Professor Virgínia Infante, were present.

As one of the first practical steps of this protocol, signed on November 28, 2024, the IDMEC Pole was established at ISEL, giving it greater visibility and strengthening the collaboration between the two institutions in the field of scientific and technological research. The partnership now made official is the result of collaborations developed over the years and aims to strengthen these ties through the implementation of new research initiatives and tools, taking advantage of the existing synergies between IDMEC and ISEL's infrastructures.

ISEL e IDMEC assinam protocolo para reforço da investigação em Engenharia Mecânica ISEL e IDMEC assinam protocolo para reforço da investigação em Engenharia Mecânica
ISEL e IDMEC assinam protocolo para reforço da investigação em Engenharia Mecânica ISEL e IDMEC assinam protocolo para reforço da investigação em Engenharia Mecânica