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The Master's course in Informatics and Multimedia Engineering (MEIM) has a general formation in Informatics Engineering that supports the specialization area in Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, which is consolidated in the Final Master's Work (Dissertation, Project or Curricular Internship). 

Study programme’s generic objectives

  • To give the skills to solve problems in new/unfamiliar situations in multidisciplinary contexts;
  • To enrich the student’s competence to adapt to changes In the state of the art promoting their capacity of self-oriented and independent study;
  • To develop competence for technical and scientífic work on critical and independent way in the different target contexts, with emphasis on aspects related to computer science and computer engineering;
  • To give the capacity to integrate knowledge, deal w

This course trains professionals able to act effectively in companies linked to Biological and Chemical industries and related industries and service companies.The course of study aims to assign a solid background to pursue the professional activity but also allowing lifelong learning.The training over the course aims to: 

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