To characterize the physical phenomena which occur on the coastal region and to evaluate their influence on the design of coastal protection structures as well as on port structures. Namely:
O1 - to describe the evolution along the water column of physical quantities of the flow induced by the propagation of monochromatic waves;
1 Número total de horas de trabalho.
O2 - to evaluate the change in wave height and wave direction associated to the propagation of monochromatic waves from offshore up to sheltered regions;
O3 - to estimate the characteristics of wind generated sea states;
O4 - to distinguish the several tide parameters;
O5 - to identify the parameters that control the beach profile;
O6 - to identify the major actions on coastal protection structures and on port structures;
O7 - to design ordinary coastal protection structures and port structures;
O8 - to design port approach channels and turning basins;
O9 - to select dredging equipment as well as the disposal site for dredged material.