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Constantino Dias Teixeira

Constantino Teixeira holds a PhD in Business Management and a Master's degree in Management from ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, a degree in Transport from Instituto Superior de Transportes and a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Military Institute of Army Pupils.

With more than 30 years of professional experience in management positions in large companies and organizations of diverse nature, either in the public sector of the State, or in the private sector, or even in the business sector of the State, specifically in: VALORSUL SA; EGEO, Global Waste Management; IMOCONSULT, Studies and Projects; ACP, Automobile Club of Portugal; Fiat Auto Portuguesa; EVICAR, DAF Trucks and MUNICIPALITY OF LOURES.

He is the author of several articles published in technical or scientific journals in the area of analysis of public investment projects, with peer review.