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Seminário de Física - Observing Portugal’s marine environments using DAS and OBS

Seminário de Física - Ocean observing

Título: Observing Portugal’s marine environments using DAS and OBS

Orador: David Schlaphorst (Departamento de Física, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa; Instituto Dom Luiz, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa)

Over the last two decades, we have seen exciting developments in the way we can observe seismic signals. Traditionally, seismic stations were placed on land, which limits the locations on Earth dramatically. The inclusion of ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) that are being deployed over a period of time at the seafloor has led to vast new areas that can be explored, albeit with more effort and at higher costs. A further quite recent development has seen the rise of common fibre-optic cables for Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) being used as dense networks acting like many seismometers in a row, providing a chance of land and marine real-time observations with very high resolution.

In this talk, I will talk about two parts of my current research. In the first part I will show how observations with fibre-optic cables for seismologic purposes are currently attempted to be used as proxies for the sea state, such as wave heights, oceanic currents, tides and storms. In the second part, I will focus on observations of subsurface structures through observations at more traditional seismic land stations, as well as OBS. I will conclude with an overview of the project that I have now started at ISEL, which ties into these topics.

SF - Observing Portugal's