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Seminário de Física - Quantum matter and its splendor: when plasmas, particles and quantum technologies meet

Quantum matter and its splendor: when plasmas, particles and quantum technologies meet

Título: Quantum matter and its splendor: when plasmas, particles and quantum technologies meet

OradorHugo Terças (DF/ISEL, Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico)


Quantum Matter commonly refers to materials which require quantum mechanics for a proper description, and its study falls mainly in the field of condensed matter. Motivated by the interdisciplinarity in the most recent challenges of modern physics – namely topology, plasmonics, quantum technologies and dark matter – quantum matter requires different tools and covers subjects of various disciplines: plasma physics, material science and particle physics. This is why the best theoretical physics institutes across the world strongly invest on quantum matter research.
In this talk, I will explain my research in quantum matter, which, in a nutshell, comprises the study of quantum materials under the view of a plasma physicist (and vice versa). I will present three axes of research that put in evidence such a rich, interdisciplinary merging of disciplines: graphene plasmonics, production and detection of axions (one of the best candidates to dark matter) in plasmas and meta-materials, and quantum simulations with cold atoms. I will conclude with a consideration on how my theoretical work is in close relation to the experiments performed both at IST and in other institutions. 

Quantum matter and its splendor:  when plasmas, particles and quantum technologies meet