Flickr photos from the Green Week 24 album.
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Flickr photos from the Eco Days 2024 album.
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Flickr photos from the Comemoração do dia da floresta autóctone 2023 album.
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Flickr photos from the Exposição - Um Oceano album.
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Flickr photos from the Green Week 23 album.
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Flickr photos from the Dia da Floresta album.
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Flickr photos from the ISEL EcoCampus 2021-22 album.
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Flickr photos from the Green Week - Carrinha Realidade Virtual - Alterações Climáticas album.
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Flickr photos from the Green Week - Peddy Paper album.
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Flickr photos from the Green Week - Comida Sustentável album.
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Flickr photos from the Green Week - Workshop - Biodiesel a Partir De Óleos Alimentares album.
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Flickr photos from the Green Week - Hotel de Insetos album.
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Flickr photos from the Biorresíduos e Compostagem album.
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Flickr photos from the Green Week - Eco - Tertulias Estudantil - 23/05 album.
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