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Délia Boino
Submitted by dboino on 29 March 2021
Intended learning outcomes
  1. Modeling in continuous time;
  2. Solve e.d.o. 's;
  3. Drafting slope fields;
  4. Analyze linear systems of e.d.o.'s;
  5. Study harmonic oscillators;
  6. To identify resonance phenomenon;
  7. Calculate Laplace transforms and their inverse;
  8. Study nonlinear systems of e.d.o.'s;
  9. Determine Fourier series of periodic functions;
  10. Approaching periodic functions through the Fourier partial sums and calculate the respective error;
  11. To introduce mathematical software tools, like Matlab, Maxima or another;
  12. Implementing numerical methods for solving nonlinear systems;
  13. Implementing numerical methods for function approximation.


Curricular Unit Form

Ficha de Unidade Curricular