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Délia Boino
Submitted by dboino on 12 March 2021
Intended learning outcomes

The Quality Control and Inspection are of great importance in the evaluation and even to predict the mechanical behavior of parts and components with which the engineer works or design. This Curricular Unit intended that, at the end of the semester, students are able, depending on the type of equipment, choose the test method and the most appropriate test technique, know how to perform the complete test and interpret and evaluate information and take a decision to accept or reject of tested parts. They should also be able to report the results on a test report.

Regarding the skills to be developed, it is noted interest in knowing how to apply the physical principles of inspection method for penetrant test, magnetic particle test, industrial radiography and ultrasonic test, as well as understand and know how to characterize these non-destructive testing methods and identify its advantages and disadvantages, to enable the most appropriate choice depending on the product to be inspected. It must also ensure that students get to know the European standardization reference for the performance of those tests.


Curricular Unit Form