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Sustentabilidade - EcoEscola
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The Lisbon School of Engineering (ISEL) Eco-Campus project is part of the Eco-Schools Program of the  Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), recognized by UNESCO and aims to contribute to the achievement of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. This program, whose main objective is to promote actions in the field of environmental education at all levels of education, currently involves 59,000 schools in 68 countries.

As the result of the work of the last 3 years, ISEL received the Eco-Campus award in 2022. This is an important recognition, but also an added responsibility. For this path to be followed successfully, everyone is needed: students, professors and non-teaching staff, either through participation in the proposed activities already programmed or by coming forth with proposals.. Registration here.

In the 2019/20 school year, the year in which the ISEL Eco-Escola project started, the actions developed focused mainly on interventions on the campus for the production of electricity from renewable sources, replacement of lighting with LED technology luminaires, remodelling of sanitary facilities aiming at a more rational use of water and various surveys concerning the campus' green areas. 

In the following academic year, in addition to the continuity given to ongoing projects, ISEL put into practice an action plan on 7 different fronts - water, energy, waste, biodiversity, outdoor spaces, climate change and healthy and sustainable food - with initiatives that included monitoring the environmental impact of the campus, new technological interventions and landscape interventions, awareness and information actions, among others.

In the 2021/22 school year, in addition to the many challenges proposed in each of the 7 themes - again, water, energy, waste, air, biodiversity, outdoor spaces and healthy and sustainable food -, we conquered the challenge of starting the transformation of ISEL into a eco-campus and we did it.

The ISEL Eco-Campus project is coordinated by Alexandra Rodrigues (adviser for the Sustainability area) and Pedro Silva  (vice-president for the Infrastructure and IT area).