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Mobile phone applications, web applications, operating systems and much more – all in just one course!

In the banking and services sector, in consulting companies, in healthcare institutions, as well as in software development companies, administration and maintenance of computer or information systems, the demand for computer engineers is permanently on the rise. However, in order to be successful in a constantly evolving world, one needs to have the knowledge, the know-how, and the ability to put them into dialogue.

Building Conservation and Rehabilitation is currently one of the pillars of the construction sector in Portugal and across Europe. In fact, it is estimated that, by 2030, the weight of this segment in Portugal will have tripled in value and that it will be responsible for about 600,000 jobs. This state of affairs reflects a context of profound change in the sector, and the market lacks qualified professionals in the field of Building Conservation and Rehabilitation technologies.

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Common concursal procedure for constitution of public employment legal relationship in the modality of employment contract in indefinite public functions, from among workers with an indefinite public employment legal relationship, with a view to filling a job, career and top technical category for the Assessment, Quality and Planning Service.




Common concursal procedure for constitution of public employment legal relationship in the modality of employment contract in indefinite public functions, from among workers with an indefinite public employment legal relationship, with a view to filling a job, career and top technical category for the Assessment, Quality and Planning Service.



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