Research and development units with management partnership agreements
Center of Statistics and its Applications
Research and development units with management partnership agreements
Center of Statistics and its Applications
Find here our scientific publications.
IPL Scientific Repository
Currently, the Lisbon School of Engineering (ISEL) has 12 centers and 8 research groups in different areas of knowledge that enable a prompt response for the diverse challenges of your company and society.
CEDET - Centro de Estudos e Desenvolvimento de Electrónica e Telecomunicações
Currently, ISEL has 12 centers and 8 research groups in different areas of knowledge that enable a prompt response for the diverse challenges of your company and society.
GIAMOS - Grupo de Investigação e de Aplicações em Microelectrónica, Optoelectrónica e Sensores
GIATSI - Grupo de Investigação Aplicada em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação
GIEST - Grupo de Investigação em Electrónica de Sistemas e de Telecomunicações